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If you would like to sponsor a foundation event please complete your details and advise which event you would like to support. A member of the foundation will contact you.



    TELEPHONE: + 357 – 25 818 140

    FAX: +357 – 25 818 190



    Why was the Foundation set up?

    Dr. Yiota Demetriou - The Dancing Queen Foundation was set up in loving memory of Dr Yiota Demetriou whose life was cut short due a tragic car accident caused by a drunk driver in November 2008. The Foundation strives to fulfil Yiota’s dream and ambition to help children in her field of child psychology. The main aim of the foundation is the improvement of the mental and physical well-being of children and teenagers from families with financial difficulties. This is acheived by providing financial assistance to these families in order to cover the therapies the child requires.

    Why Dancing Queen?

    ‘The Dancing Queen,’ chosen as the name for the foundation, perfectly captures the inspirational and energetic spirit of the late Dr Yiota Demetriou. Dr Yiota Demetrious’s exuberant charm and contagious sense of humour are what made her stand out in any crowd. She was seen as ‘the Dancing Queen’ amongst her friends and the nickname perfectly embodies Dr Yiota’s love of dancing, her free-spirited nature, fun-loving, larger than life personality and her endless zest for life.

    How do we help?

    The Foundation strives to improve and promote the psychological and physical health and well-being of children and their families by providing financial assistance for the therapies the children require.

    What is the Miranda Fund?

    The Miranda fund, was set up in loving memory of Miranda-Marina who due to complications at delivery was left severely brain damaged and labelled Cerebral Palsy. Miranda passed away in 2012 at the age of 4. The Miranda fund is under the umbrella of the Dancing Queen foundation. The Miranda Fund has provided assistance to children with physical disabilities such as occupational therapy, hydrotherapy and physiotherapy. From 2009 till 2020 EUR96,444.00 was donated to finance physical therapies. Additionally six tetraplegic wheelchairs were bought by the foundation and donated to the Alma Child Development Center.

    How can a family apply for financial assistance?

    A family can apply directly to the foundation for financial assistance by completing the relevant applications that are available (in Greek and English). Various supporting documents are required to be sent with the application form. These are submitted to the foundation and the application is reviewed by a committee. All information and details that is provided to the foundation is kept confidential. An application will be approved for the current school year. Following completion of the year the family will need to reapply for financial assistance in the next year.

    What is THE WALK?

    As Dr. Yiota’s life was taken away by a drunk driver the foundation felt it was necessary to organize an event which will raise awareness of the devastating effects drunk driving has on the lives of other people. The foundation now organizes a walk every November, which was the month that we lost Yiota. The walk is the main fundraising event of the foundation. The Motto of the walk: I’d rather Walk than Drink and Drive